RIX Industries News

RIX Industries Launches New Compact, Low Flow 2PS Compressors for Medical and Industrial Applications

Oil-less, high-pressure inert dry gas compressor powers safe, convenient cylinder filling; enables onsite oxygen cylinder filling for small scale usage.

RIX Industries Launches New Compact, Low Flow 2PS Compressors for Medical and Industrial Applications

RIX Industries, a leading developer of energy technologies and industrial power systems, today announced the addition of a new low flow version of its highly successful 2PS Series compressors, offering a compact, reliable, and cost-effective means for small scale high-pressure cylinder filling. With 2PS, users simply refill cylinders onsite via the compressor, saving time, money, and service requirements in the process. Ideal for critical medical and industrial applications, the 2PS series handles inert, dry gas, including high-pressure medical grade oxygen, and is a much more viable alternative to purchasing and maintaining costly cylinders that require support from third-party resources.

RIX Industries Launches New Compact, Low Flow 2PS Compressors for Medical and Industrial Applications

First responder scenarios, such as medical emergencies tended by EMTs, paramedics, and firefighters, as well as small or remote hospitals and clinics, doctor’s offices, and veterinary practices, can now benefit from the RIX 2PS’s ability to conveniently fill small quantities of cylinders with oxygen, safely and onsite. Similar advantages can also be realized in industrial applications such as glassblowing, oxycutting, and fish farming.

“RIX’s new lower capacity 2PS compressor addresses underserved and unserved markets – leveling the playing field for smaller-scale applications in which typical larger cylinder filling systems don’t make sense,” said Doug Richmond, sales manager, RIX Industries. “As a premium compressor series built on our years of experience, the 2PS performs right out of the box for years to come. Its high reliability, lower capacity, and small footprint can have big impact, especially in tough medical circumstances. This new RIX compressor gives healthcare professionals another tool to save lives and empowers small enterprises with onsite oxygen independence to grow their business.”

RIX Industries Launches New Compact, Low Flow 2PS Compressors for Medical and Industrial Applications

Designed for continuous 24/7 operation, RIX 2PS series compressors are engineered for safe, reliable delivery of clean, inert dry gases up to 2200 psig (152 barg). The new low flow 2PS features two-stage, single acting piston design in a compact package and can supply up to four 240 cu. ft. 2200 psi cylinders in a 24-hour period. For ease of service and installation, heat exchangers, crankcases, and compression cylinders are air cooled. These compressors are durable and long life, minimizing service requirements and costs.

Click here to learn more about the RIX 2PS compressor.


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